There is no such a thing as a ‘Perfect Wedding Table Setting’. Each wedding uses the wedding table setting to achieve a number of things
Tips For Your Wedding Day

1. Be different
The danger of having a bland wedding where guests remember nothing but the food and have trouble recalling what your wedding looked like is frequently overcome (or not) at the wedding table setting. The wedding table is the one part of your wedding your guests will spend quite some time at.
They will have time to notice the details that make your wedding special. They will be able to discuss amongst themselves what takes their fancy and what has captured their attention and imagination. The details that go into a wedding table setting that sets you apart from the rest can truly work their magic here, reinforcing the overall theme of your wedding.
2. Think different
When it comes to planning the setting of your wedding table, wedding planners can either choose ‘safe’ options or ignore your vision completely and suggest their own preconceived designs. At Rogdaki Events Trademark we approach each table setting occasion with an open mind and a clean slate. What we come up with is the result of your vision and our expertise.
3. Be Clever with your Budget
The wedding table setting is the hardest part of the wedding to skimp on. Cost-cutting exercises always impact on the details and given the fact that your guests here will be able to touch, closely scrutinize and discuss every decorative element you have put into play, ‘cheap’ will definitely backfire here.
This is not to say that there are things that cannot be done. Saving money on the wedding table setting is always a careful balance between effect, quality and expertise. A wedding planner will show his true worth by enabling you to stretch your wedding budget where it matters most. This includes the wedding table setting.
Have some great wedding day Favors
The history of wedding day favors goes back to medieval times when the wedding tables of the nobility were graced with sugared confections as gifts for their wedding guests. Today, sugared confections persist as wedding favors given to guests but wedding day gifts also take many other forms. From special ribbons to sugared almonds bound in a particular way and presented with a silver tag, the options here are limited by two things:
First, your imagination and second your budget. Luckily we have a great track record of working well with both. Our tradition as wedding planners and event organizers enables us to frequently execute ideas that manage to save you money without cutting back on the ‘Wow!’ factor. The secret here is not to be limited by tradition.
Instead use tradition as a stepping stone, look at your budget, critically. Identify what is the most expensive element of your wedding day favors and work around it by substituting something else. In practice this usually produces wedding day favors that are unusual, eye-catching, cost-effective and still look impressive.
Wrapping up a post that we hope has highlighted some of the things that go into making your wedding day truly great and help stretch your budget. Weddings are always expensive no matter how much money you have to spend on them. They are a once-in-a-lifetime to impress, make a social statement and also create the kind of memories that will mark this special landmark in your life.
It is important that you approach the moment armed with intelligence, knowledge and some careful planning. And if you need a helping hand and someone to help take the load off your shoulders, you know where to find us.